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作者:用户投稿 发布时间:2024-10-23 03:25:10 阅读次数:



仅供参考:For your reference only,

不可抗力:force majeure

水渍险:W.A. with average

滞期费: demurrage charges



1、不可抗力。vis major; act of God; force majeure; beyond human control.

2、例句:The rise or decline of the United States is not a function of deterministic forces.美国的兴衰并非不可抗力作用的结果。



英 [ˈliːdʒən]  美 [ˈliːdʒən]

n. (古罗马)军团;众多;军队

adj. 众多的;大量的


Roman legion 罗马军团

chaos legion 混乱军团 ; 混沌军团 ; 混沌军势 ; 凌乱军团




英 [fɔːs]  美 [fɔːrs]

n. 力量;武力;军队;魄力

vt. 促使,推动;强迫;强加

n. (Force)人名;(意)福尔切;(英、法)福斯


Air Force [军] 空军 ; 空军一号 ; 美国空军 ; 空军基本款

force majeure [保险] 不可抗力 ; 人力不可抗力 ; 不可抗力条款 ; 不成抗力


a. Compliance with any order, demand or request of any government or of any international, nation, port, transportation, local or other authority or agency or of anybody or person purporting to be or to act for such authority or agency.


望 请追问


Force majeure

11.1 If the two sides of any party due to the war. Floods. Typhoon. Fire. Strikes. Storm. Earthquake or other can not be foreseen. Can not be avoided and can not overcome the impact of the objective situation of the implementation of the contract, the two sides in the agreement, the performance of the contract period The accident affected by the extension of the corresponding time. Neither side can not comment on the resulting losses. If the parties can not on the above issues through friendly consultations to reach agreement, either party can be submitted by 12 arbitration.

11.2 by the incident should immediately notify the other party by fax, and force majeure after the accident 14 days to EMS will be issued by the authorities concerned to submit documents for inspection and confirmed that the other party.

11.3 by the accident should immediately faxed to force majeure or termination of the accident to eliminate the other party notice, and documents confirm, and should continue to fulfill its obligations.

11.4 If the parties affected by the accident did not promptly notify the other party relating to any force majeure situation, which the other party to the damage caused by impact borne by the accident.

11.5 force majeure if the impact of more than 60 days, subject to the effects of the accident should get in touch with each other, so that the two sides through friendly consultations in a timely manner to resolve the issue of the implementation of this contract as soon as possible to reach an agreement. If no agreement is reached, either party can be submitted by 12 arbitration.

提问六:不可抗力英文 不可抗力英文怎么说

1、不可抗力。vis major; act of God; force majeure; beyond human control;


3、The rise or decline of the United States is not a function of deterministic forces


11.1 如果双方中的任何一方由于战争.水灾.台风.火灾.罢工.暴风雨.地震或其它不能预见.不能避免并且不能克服的客观情况影响本合同的执行时,在双方协定下,履行合同的期限按事故所影响的时间相应延长。任何一方都不能就由此产生的损失提出索赔。如果双方不能就上述事宜经友好协商达成一致意见,任何一方都可以按十二条规定提交仲裁。 11.2 受事故方应立即以传真形式通知另一方,并在不可抗力事故发生后14天之内以特快专递将有关当局出具的证明文件提交另一方进行查验和确认。 11.3 受事故方应立即用传真将不可抗力事故的终止或消除通知另一方,并用证明文件证实,而且应立即继续完成其义务。 11.4 如果受事故影响方没有及时通知另一方有关不可抗力发生的任何情况,由此给另一方造成的损失由受事故影响方承担。 11.5 如果不可抗力影响超过60天,受事故影响方应与对方取得联系,以便双方通过友好协商及时解决继续执行本合同的问题并尽快达成协议。如果不能达成协议,任何一方都可以按十二条规定提交仲裁。 11.1 If the two sides of any party due to the war. Floods. Typhoon. Fire. Strikes. Storm. Earthquake or other can not be foreseen. Can not be avoided and can not overcome the impact of the objective situation of the implementation of the contract, the two sides in the agreement, the performance of the contract period The accident affected by the extension of the corresponding time. Neither side can not comment on the resulting losses. If the parties can not on the above issues through friendly consultations to reach agreement, either party can be submitted by 12 arbitration. 11.2 by the incident should immediately notify the other party by fax, and force majeure after the accident 14 days to EMS will be issued by the authorities concerned to submit documents for inspection and confirmed that the other party. 11.3 by the accident should immediately faxed to force majeure or termination of the accident to eliminate the other party notice, and documents confirm, and should continue to fulfill its obligations. 11.4 If the parties affected by the accident did not promptly notify the other party relating to any force majeure situation, which the other party to the damage caused by impact borne by the accident. 11.5 force majeure if the impact of more than 60 days, subject to the effects of the accident should get in touch with each other, so that the two sides through friendly consultations in a timely manner to resolve the issue of the implementation of this contract as soon as possible to reach an agreement. If no agreement is reached, either party can be submitted by 12 arbitration.






[词典] [律] (人力所不能抵抗的力量) vis major; act of God [Providence]; force majeure;beyond human control; an act of god;


The rise or decline of the United States is not a function of deterministic forces.



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