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[peppa pig小猪佩奇]台词剧本

第一季 第22话

22. Tooth fairy牙仙子

Narrator:(Peppa Pig介绍):

I’m Peppa pig.我是佩奇。

This is my little brother, George.这是我的弟弟乔治。

This is Mummy Pig. 这是我的妈妈。

And this is Daddy Pig. 这是我的爸爸。

The Tooth Fairy牙仙子

Don't worry, Peppa. It's just a milk tooth. They're meant to fall out.

Narrator: Peppa and George are having their favorite food --- spaghetti!佩奇和乔治在吃他们最喜欢的食物---意大利面![spaghetti [spəˈɡeti] n. 意大利面]

Daddy Pig: What a lot of noise!你们吃得声音好响!

Peppa: Finished!吃完啦!

Mummy Pig: Ah, now we'll have a bit of quiet!哦,现在我们终于能安静了。


Peppa: What's that? 这是什么?

Daddy Pig: It's a tooth!是一颗牙齿。

Peppa: Where did that come from? 那它是从哪里来的呢?

Mummy Pig: Peppa, maybe you should look in the mirror!佩奇你该找个镜子照照。

Peppa: Oh! It's my tooth! It's fallen out! 哦!这是我的牙齿,可它掉下来了。

Mummy Pig: Don't worry, Peppa. It's just a milk tooth. They're meant to fall out.别担心佩奇,这只是一颗乳牙,就是要掉下来的。[be meant to 注定 应该]

Peppa: Will I grow a new one, Mummy? 那还会长一颗新牙出来吗?

Mummy Pig: Yes, you will, Peppa. 是的,你会有一颗新牙。

It also means the Tooth Fairy will be paying you a visit.掉牙也意味着牙仙子会过来看你的。

Peppa: Tooth Fairy? 牙仙子?

Mummy Pig: Yes, the Tooth Fairy. 是的,牙仙子。

If you put the tooth under your pillow tonight, the Tooth Fairy will come. 如果你把牙齿放到你的枕头下面,牙仙子就会来找你。

The Tooth Fairy will take the tooth. And in its place, she will leave a shiny coin!牙仙子会把牙齿拿走,在原来的位置上,她会留下一枚闪亮的金币。

Peppa: When I grow up, I want to be a Tooth Fairy!等我长大之后,我也想做牙仙子。

Daddy Pig: And what would you like to be when you grow up, George? 那乔治你呢?你长大之后想做什么?

George: Dine-Saw!恐龙。

Daddy Pig: A dinosaur!做一只恐龙吗?

Peppa: Quick, George, it's bedtime! 快点乔治,该睡觉了!

We don't want to miss the Tooth Fairy!我们可不想错过牙仙子。

Narrator: Before going to bed, Peppa and George brush their teeth.上床睡觉之前,佩奇和乔治在刷牙。

Daddy Pig: Peppa, what are you doing? 佩奇你在干什么?

Peppa: I'm brushing my tooth so it is nice and clean for the Tooth Fairy.我在刷牙齿,牙仙子拿走时,会觉得它很干净。

Narrator: Peppa cannot wait to get into bed. 佩奇迫不及待地去睡觉了。

Peppa is putting her tooth under the pillow for the Tooth Fairy. 佩奇把牙齿放在枕头下面,等着牙仙子。

Mummy Pig: Goodnight, Peppa and George.晚安佩奇乔治。

Peppa: Goodnight, Mummy! Goodnight, Daddy!晚安妈妈!晚安爸爸!

Daddy Pig: Goodnight, my little piggies!晚安,我的小家伙们!

Peppa: George, I'm not going to sleep! 乔治,我不打算睡觉了!

Let's both stay awake all night and see the Tooth Fairy! 今天晚上我们不能睡着,我们一起来等牙仙子!

This Tooth Fairy is very late!牙仙子来得也太晚了!

Narrator: The Tooth Fairy is taking a long time to arrive. 牙仙子过了很久很久还是没来。

Peppa: Where is that Tooth Fairy? 牙仙子到底在哪里呀?

Narrator: What is that noise? Is it the Tooth Fairy? 这是什么声音?是牙仙子吗?

Peppa: George, can you hear something? 乔治,你听到什么吗?

Oh, George!哦,乔治!

Narrator: Oh, the noise is George. 原来这声音是乔治的。

He was so tired, he has fallen asleep.他实在太累了,所以睡着了。

Peppa: George is not very good at staying awake, but I am. 看来要让乔治一晚上别睡觉有点困难,但我可以。

I am going to stay awake and see the Tooth Fairy. 我不能睡着我必须要见到牙仙子才行。

I'm not going to sleep.我绝对不能 睡着

Narrator: The Tooth Fairy has arrived. But Peppa is asleep. 这时牙仙子来了,但是佩奇睡着了。

Tooth Fairy: Hello, Peppa. Would you like this coin in return for your tooth? 你好啊佩奇!你想要用你的牙齿换这枚闪亮的金币吗?

What a nice, clean tooth. 真是一颗干净的牙齿。

Thank you, Peppa, Goodnight. 你佩奇,晚安。

Mummy Pig: Peppa, George, wake up. It's morning. 佩奇乔治,起床啦,已经早上了。

Peppa: What? I wasn't asleep! 什么?我 我没有睡着!

Daddy Pig: Did the Tooth Fairy come? 牙仙子来过了吗?

Peppa: No! 没有。

Daddy Pig: Let's take a look under your pillow. 我们来看看你的枕头底下。

Mummy Pig: Look, Peppa! The Tooth Fairy has been and she's left you a coin!


Peppa: Hurray!好哎!

Mummy Pig: You fell asleep, didn't you? 佩奇你睡着了,是不是?

Peppa: Well, maybe I fell asleep just for a little bit.我想我可能真的睡着了一会儿吧…

Next time, I will stay awake, and I will see the Tooth Fairy!


[小猪佩奇]视频在这里哦:小猪佩奇 第一季 英文版第22集-番剧-全集-高清正版在线观看-bilibili-哔哩哔哩ic_close_normal

The Tooth Fairy will take the tooth. And in its place, she will leave a shiny coin!

When I grow up, I want to be a Tooth Fairy!


1. Spaghetti

Peppa and George are having their favorite food --- spaghetti! 佩奇和乔治正在吃他们最喜欢吃的食物—意大利面。

Spaghetti [spəˈɡeti] 是意大利面的意思。

意大利面作为欧美国家的重要主食,除了经常在小猪佩奇中出现,同时也在孩子们的各种绘本里面反复出现。我想大家之前应该看见过不同的单词,比如这里的spaghetti [spə'ɡeti],还有pasta之类的。那这些单词有什么区别呢?



2. Look in the mirror

猪妈妈说Peppa, maybe you should look in the mirror. 也许你应该照下镜子。

Look in the mirror. 是照镜子的意思。


Oh, look at your face. Maybe you should look in the mirror.哦,看看你的脸。你应该去照下镜子。

3.Fall out

Peppa照了镜子,发现自己的牙齿不见了,说It’s my tooth! It’s fallen out! 它是我的牙齿,它掉下来了。

Fall out是掉下来的意思,也专门指牙齿或者头发掉下来,脱落。

4.Milk tooth

猪妈妈说It’s just a milk tooth. 别慌张,它只是乳牙而已。


Milk tooth乳牙

Baby tooth 乳牙

Permanent tooth 恒牙 [permanent[ˈpɜːrmənənt] adj. 永恒的 永久的]

Front tooth 门牙

Molar tooth 大牙 [molar [ˈmoʊlər] n. 臼齿; 磨牙]

Wisdom tooth 智齿


Permanent tooth恒牙,permanent ['pɜːrmənənt] 是永久的意思。永久的牙齿,就是恒牙啦。

Molar tooth大牙,这个molar ['moʊlər]最早来自于拉丁语,意思是里程碑。大牙的确是牙齿发育的里程碑呢,因为孩子长出大牙之后就可以痛快的咀嚼了。

为什么最后长出的这几颗牙齿叫做wisdom tooth智齿呢?因为这几颗牙齿都是我们成年之后才长出的,所以长牙的时候可比小时候要智慧多了,所以就叫做wisdom tooth了。

5.Meant to

猪妈妈继续对Peppa说They’re meant to fall out. 他们本来就是要掉的。

Be meant to,注定…,应该…


You’re an expert at storytelling. You’re meant to be a good writer.你非常擅长讲故事。你注定会成为一名优秀的作家。

注:be an expert at doing sth.擅长做.,是动画片里的高频用法。

6.Pay a visit

猪妈妈说It also means the Tooth Fairy will be paying you a visit. 这也意味着牙齿仙子会来看你的。

Fairy ['feri] 这个词我们在以前讲解过,是仙女、精灵的意思。孩子们最喜欢看的童话故事就叫做fairy tales,因为故事里面到处都是仙女和精灵。

Pay someone a visit 是拜访某人的意思。

7. What would you like to be?

佩奇说她长大以后想当牙仙子,猪爸爸又问乔治What would you like to be when you grow up, George? 乔治,你长大以后想当什么?





astronaut 宇航员

pilot 飞行员

actor 演员

singer 歌手

fire fighter 消防员

scientist 科学家

engineer 工程师

police officer 警察

business man 商人

doctor 医生

nurse 护士

teacher 老师

第三呢,爸爸妈妈还可以说说自己小时候的理想,比如I wanted to be a doctor when I was your age. 这句话不仅可以让孩子学习到更多职业的英文,还能潜移默化的学习到过去式

8.Stay awake

Peppa缺着一颗门牙对George说Let’s both stay awake all night and see the Tooth Fair. 咱们俩今天晚上别睡着了,一起等着看牙仙子吧。

前几集我们讲到“睡着了”是fall asleep或者be asleep,今天又看到它的反义词了。Stay awake是保持清醒,保持醒着的状态。

9.What is that noise?

Peppa听到了奇怪的声音,问What is that noise? 这是什么声响?

What is that noise? 这个句子已经在前25集动画片里面出现了3次了,而且在第二季中还会继续频繁出现,可谓是非常高频了。




爸爸:What’s that noise?什么声音?

妈妈:It’s just the juice extractor.榨汁机的声音而已。

10.Good at

Peppa躺床上说George is not very good at staying awake, but I am. 乔治不擅长醒着不睡,但我却很擅长。

Good at doing sth. 擅长做什么事情。



爸妈:What a lovely picture. You’re very good at painting.


11.In return for

牙仙子来了,对睡着了的Peppa说:Would you like this coin in return for your tooth? 你想要这枚硬币来交换你的牙齿吗?

In return for 作为…的回报,交换


Would you like this cookie in return for your teddy bear?我拿饼干跟你换泰迪熊好不好?

Hello, Peppa. Would you like this coin in return for your tooth?

Thank you, Peppa, Goodnight.


1.fairy n. 仙女,小精灵;漂亮姑娘; adj. 仙女的

2.shiny adj. 有光泽的,擦亮的;闪耀的;晴朗的;磨损的

3.pillow n. 枕头vt. 垫;枕于…;使…靠在;vi. 枕着头;靠在枕上

4.coin vt. 铸造(货币);杜撰,创造;n. 硬币,钱币

Next time, I will stay awake, and I will see the Tooth Fairy!

-The End-



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