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作者:用户投稿 发布时间:2024-10-23 14:25:20 阅读次数:


E序列重点单词 知识精讲:

【知识梳理1】education n. 教育 adj. 有能力的

【短语】短语:basic education基础教育 further education 深造

【变形】 educate v. 教育, 培养 educational adj. 与教育有关的,教育性的 educated adj. 受过教育的

【例句】She has a good education. She is an educated lady. She has a good educational background.


例1. After graduation from College he went aboard for further_(教育).

例2. The businessman donated lots of money to support the _(教育)for the children in poor area.

答案:1. education;2. education

【知识梳理2】effort n. 努力(可数)艰难的尝试; 精力(不可数)

【句型】put one’s effort into doing 竭尽全力做某事

【例句】Please put more effort into your schoolwork.


例1. She won many awards because of her _(effort) in this area.


【知识梳理3】each pron. 每个,每件

【用法】each 名词单数(作主语看作三单):Each student has a notebook.

each of the 名词复数(作主语看作三单):Each of the students has a notebook.

放在主语后,做同位语(不作三单):The students each have a notebook.


1) every 不能放of前,但可以用every one of

2) every一定要表示范围在三者及中的每一个,而each可以表示两者中的每一个

There are many trees on each side of the road. (不能用every)

3) each强调个体,every强调整体。

Each of the students works hard on his lessons.


例1. --- my parents my elder sister cares too much about my marks. I feel bored with staying at home with them.

--- Well, you should learn to communicate with them. of them is the person who loves you much.

A. Either; or; Every B. Both; and; either C. Not only; but also; Each D. Neither; nor; Everyone

答案: C

【知识梳理4】either pron. 两者中任意一个

【用法】either 名词单数:either side of the road

either of: Either of the twins is going to Nanjing. (谓语用三单)

conj. Eitheror.(谓语动词就近原则)

adv. 也不(用于否定句)I can’t swim. He can’t either.

【例句】Either my mother or my father washes the dishes after supper.


例1.I have two tickets for TFBoys’ concert. you he can go with me.

A. Either; or B. Neither; nor C. Both; and D. Not only; but also


【知识梳理5】else adv. 另外,其他

【用法】1) 放在疑问词后面:what else 还有什么 who else 还有谁

2) 放在复合不定代词前:something else 还有别的什么 nothing else 没有别的

【考点】其他某人的 someone else’s

【辨析】other 其他的 other 名词复数 else 后面不能加名词复数

【例句】What else do you want to buy

Who else do you want to invite to you party


例1. ---Is this bag yours

---No, it isn’t . Mine is red. It must be someone_(else).

答案: else’s

【知识梳理6】 encourage vt. 鼓励,鼓动

【搭配】encourage sb to do sth 鼓励某人做某事

【变形】encouragement n. 鼓励 discourage vt. 阻止,使泄气

【例句】Our teacher always encourage us to study hard.


例1. __ (encourage) instead of blaming your children can help them more to do well in study.

例2. (encourage) the young to keep trying or giving up the task and go back. We need to think it over.

例3. The more children are _ (鼓励) , the more progress they will make.

答案:1. Encouraging 2. Encourage 3. Encouragement

【知识梳理7】energy n. 精力(不可数)

【变形】energetic adj. 精力充沛的

【短语】full of energy

【例句】Food can provide us much energy.


例1. The more you exercise, the more _(精力充沛的) you will be.

例2. You'd better not stay with those inactive persons. You should take part in more activities at school and become(energy).

答案: 1. energetic; 2. energetic

【知识梳理8】enough adv. 足够的

【短语】enough n. adj. enough (只能用原级)

【句型】enough n./adj. enough to do


So.that./such.that. 如此……以至于……

【例句】He is old enough to go to school.


例1.—Jim spent _on his study. I think he is hard-working.

—Yes, I think so, but the result of his study is not .

A. enough time; enough good B. time enough; well enough

C. time enough; enough well D. enough time; good enough

例2.As a doctor, you can __ when doing operations.

A. not be too careful B.be not careful enough

C. not care enough D.be enough careful

例3. This experiment is _ for a teenager _.

A. easy enough; to do it B. enough easy; to do

C. easy enough; to do D. enough easy; to do it

例4.They werebusy with each other _the time.

A.too,to talk;that they forget B.too,talking;to forget

C.so,to talk;that they forget D.so,talking;that they forget


【知识梳理9】enter vt. 进入

【考点】enter和into不能共用 enter the room=go into the room

【变形】entry n. 入口

【例句】They saw the man enter the shop. He entered the room quietly.


例1. They saw the man _(enter) the shop.

例2. --Have you noticed Lucy_her room

---No. I __a math problem.

A. enter; was thinking about B.entering; was thinking about

C. to enter; have thought about D.entering; have thought about

答案:1. enter 2. A

【知识梳理10】environment n. 环境

【短语】protect the environment 保护环境

【变形】environmental 与环境有关的

【例句】Action should be taken to protect our environment.

【知识梳理11】especially adv. 尤其

【辨析】specially adv. 专门

【例句】He likes doing sports,especially swimming.

The boy specially made this card for his mother’s birthday.


例1. I’ve made a cheese cake __ for your birthday. I really hope you it.

A. specially; to enjoy B. especially; will enjoy

C. specially; will enjoy D. especially; to enjoy


【知识梳理12】Europe n. 欧洲

【变形】European n. 欧洲人 (考点:a European)

【例句】He is from France so he is a European.


例1. One of the first __ (欧洲人) to discover America was Christopher Columbus.

答案: Europeans

【知识梳理13】everybody 每个人 everyone 每个人

everything 每个东西,每件事情 everywhere 到处

【考点】复合不定代词:1) 看做三单 2) 形容词放在后面

3) 可以把else放在后面表示其他……

强调所有,缺一不可:Everything is ready. 一切都准备好了。

I don’t think everyone can answer it. 我不认为所有人都会做。(部分否定)

Is everyone here 大家都到了吗?


例1. I knew most of the guests at the party, but I didn’t know .

A. anybody B. somebody C. everybody D. Nobody

例2. _ believed that a robbery happened here last night until the police appeared.

A. Nobody B. Everybody C. Somebody D. Anybody

例3. --- What an amazing film Beauty and the Beast is!

--- I agree. But you know it won’t be liked by .

A. nobody B. anybody C. everybody D. somebody


【知识梳理14】exactly adv. 确切地,精确地 adv. 正是如此

【变形】exact adj. 确切的

【例句】What do you mean exactly

---Is the man under the tree your father ---Exactly.


例1. I remember _ (exact) what Audrey Hepburn looked like in her first film.

例2. None of the answers here is _(精确的)right. Check them again.

答案:1. exactly; exactly

【知识梳理15】excellent adj. 杰出的,出色的

【例句】Her dream is to be an excellent teacher when she grows up.


例1. Yuan Lunping is an (杰出的) scientist .


【知识梳理16】excited adj. 感到激动的

【短语】be excited about

【变形】exciting adj. 令人激动的 excitedly adv. 激动地 excitement n.兴奋

【注意】voice, look, feeling这样的名词虽然不是人,但也是表达人自身的情感,要用excited修饰。

如:There is an excited look on his face.


例1. Look! The (excite) look on his face suggests he has won the game.

例2. The audience cheered with great (excite)when seeing the pop star appear.

例3. You are foolish to take such little children to ride so __ (excite) a roller coaster.

例4. When the boy rushed across the finishing line, his mother cheered with an (兴奋的) look on her face.

例5. ---Did you go to Jacky Cheung's concert named A Classical Tour in Yangzhou on May 9

---Of Course I did. I have never seen __ one before.

A. a more exciting B. a more excited C. the most exciting D. the most excited

答案:1. excited 2. excitement 3. exciting 4.excited 5. A

【知识梳理17】expect vt. 期待

【短语】except sb. to do sth.

【辨析】look forward to doing sth.

【例句】He expected to be a football player.


例1. --- This test is too difficult for most of the students.

--- You are right. As you (预料), one third of them failed.


【知识梳理18】experience n. 经历(可数) 经验(不可数)

【短语】a teacher with full experience an awful experience

【变形】experienced adj. 经验丰富的

【例句】He has lots of teaching experiences and he is an experienced teacher.


例1. The old man has taught Chinese at this school for ten years, so he is an __ (experience) teacher.

例2. It is better to travel 10,000 miles than to read 10,000 books, so it’s important to have real with languages, cultures and societies.

A. influence B. knowledge C. experiences D. communication

答案:1. experienced 2. C

【知识梳理19】explain vt. 解释

【短语】explain sth. to sb. 向某人解释某事

【变形】explanation n. 解释

【例句】We found it easy to work out this Maths problem after the teacher explained it to us.


例1. We couldn’t work out the problem until it _ (explain ) to us.

答案:was explained

【知识梳理20】express vt. 表达

【变形】expression n. 表情,表达

【例句】She has difficulty in expressing herself.


例1. 如果你在自我表达方面有问题你可以向老师寻求帮助。

答案:If you have difficulty expressing yourself you can ask your teacher for help.

一 写出下列所有的词性转换:

educate:_adj. 与教育有关的,教育性的 adj. 受过良好教育的

encourage: n. 鼓励__vt. 阻止,使泄气

energy:__ adj. 精力充沛的

enter:_ n. 入口

environment: adj.与环境有关的

Europe:_n. 欧洲人

exact:__ adv. 确切地,精确地 adv. 正是如此

excited:_adj. 令人激动的adv. 激动地 n.兴奋

experience: adj. 经验丰富的

explain: n. 解释

express: n. 表情,表达


educational educated encouragement discourage energetic entry environmental

European exactly exciting excitedly excitement experienced explanation


二 自我检测:

1. Poor areas are in great need of teachers,(尤其) English teachers.

2. One of the first (欧洲人) to discover America was Christopher Columbus.

3. Designers need to do further __(试验,实验)before the cars are made in factories.

4. The boy never (表达) himself well when he was in school, but now he does.

5. Too much time on computer games leads to the children’s poor (视力).

6. One of the first __ (欧洲人) to discover America was Christopher Columbus.

7. When the boy rushed across the finishing line, his mother cheered with an (兴奋的) look on her face.-8. -- This test is too difficult for most of the students.

8.--- You are right. As you (预料), one third of them failed.

答案:1. especially 2. Europeans 3. experiments 4. expressed 5. eyesight

6. Europeans 7. excited 8. expected



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