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作者:用户投稿 发布时间:2024-10-21 11:33:11 阅读次数:


永无止境的英文:endless;know no limits;world without end ; of no bounds


1、And love would never end 爱永无止境 

2、the education never ends 学习永无止境 

3、 Service forever without limits 服务永无止境

4、Practice knows no bound 实践永无止境 

5、The future is limitless 未来永无止境 


endless 读法 英 ['endlɪs]  美 [ˈɛndlɪs] 

adj. 无止境的;连续的;环状的;漫无目的的


1、endless love 无尽的爱;永无止境的爱

2、endless belt 环形带

3、endless chain 无穷尽的结;循环链;无端环链

4、endless loop 死循环;无限循环


1、They talk about it endlessly.


2、But wake up, still one of the empty house, there are endless dazed. 



constantly; continually; continuously; ceaselessly; endlessly 的区别

constantly 侧重于事件发生的稳定性和持续性以及经久不变的状态

The direction of the wind is constantly changing.  风向不断变化。

We are constantly being reminded to cut down our fat intake. 不断有人提醒我们要减少脂肪的摄入量。

continually 侧重一段时间内多次发、时断时续或中断时间很短而又接连发生的状态

Malcolm was continually changing hismind.   马尔科姆不断地改主意。

I had been writing him continually, trying to get him to call me.  我一直在给他写信,想让他给我打电话。

continuously 侧重在时间、物质或广度上没有间断的

The civil war has raged almost continuously since 1976.  自从1976年开始,内战几乎没有中断过。

It is the oldest continuously inhabitedcity in America. 这是美国最古老的一直有人居住的城市。

ceaselessly 侧重指令人不快的事不停歇或无休止出现的状态

The wounded man moaned ceaselessly. 那个伤员呻吟不止。

His eyes, seeing nothing, moved ceaselessly about the room. 他的眼睛现而不见,可是不停地向屋子里四面看。

The Cab的《Endlessly》 歌词


歌手:The Cab

专辑:Symphony Soldier

The Cab - Endlessly

There's a shop down the street,

where they sell plastic rings,

for a quarter a piece, I swear it.

Yeah, I know that it's cheap,

not like gold in your dreams,

but I hope that you'll still wear it.

Yeah, the ink may stain my skin,

and my jeans may all be ripped.

I'm not perfect, but I swear,

I'm perfect for you.

and there's no guarantee,

that this will be easy.

It's not a miracle ya need, believe me.

Yeah, I'm no angel, I'm just me,

but I will love you endlessly.

Wings aren't what you need, you need me.

There's a house on the hill,

with a view of the town,

and I know how you adore it.

So I'll work everyday,

through the sun, and the rain,

until I can afford it.

Yeah, your friends may think I'm crazy,

cause they can only see,

I'm not perfect, but I swear,

I'm perfect for you.

and there's no guarantee,

that this will be easy.

It's not a miracle ya need, believe me.

Yeah, I'm no angel, I'm just me,

but I will love you endlessly.

Wings aren't what you need, you need me.

(You need me, I know you need me,

you need me, I know you need me)

Ink may stain my skin,

and my jeans may all be ripped.

I'm not perfect, but I swear,

I'm perfect for you.

and there's no guarantee,

that this will be easy. (This will be easy)

It's not a miracle ya need, believe me.

(Won't you believe me)

Yeah, I'm no angel, I'm just me,

but I will love you endlessly.

Wings aren't what you need, you need me.

(You know you need me)

(I know you need me)

You need me,

(I know you need me)

You need me,

(I know you need me)

There's a shop down the street,

where they sell plastic rings,

for a quarter a piece, I swear it.

Yeah, I know that it's cheap,

not like gold in your dreams,

but I hope that you'll still wear it.




adv.无穷地,继续地,永久地; 不已; 不休;



That is an endlessly debatable question.



Choose the first and you'll probably recycle yourself endlessly.


MUSE的《Endlessly》 歌词




there's a part of me you'll never know

the only thing i'll never show

hopelessly, i'll love you endlessly

hopelessly, i'll give you everything

but i won't give you up

i won't let you down

i won't leave you falling

if the moment ever comes

it's plain to see, it's trying to speak

cherished dreams forever asleep

hopelessly, i'll love you endlessly

hopelessly, i'll give you everything

but i won't give you up

i won't let you down

i won't leave you falling

if the moment ever comes

hopelessly, i'll love you endlessly

hopelessly, i'll give you everything

but i won't give you up

i won't let you down

i won't leave you falling

but the moment never comes

专辑:Absolution 发行时间:2003-09-08 流派:嘻哈 发行公司:华纳音乐

这是一张概念化的专辑,由采样了军队队列表演时正步声的序曲引出,在接下来的“启示录”(Apocalypse Please)中,用庄严的古典钢琴声明了他们的音乐并非像一些媒体所说的是受radiohead的影响,而是俄罗斯古典音乐作曲家拉赫玛尼诺夫。“时光流逝”(Time is Running Out)先是用优美浪漫的旋律透出了优雅情怀,待到副歌部分,音乐被吉他推至波涛汹涌。““斯德哥尔摩综合症”(Stockholm Syndrome)绽放出了哥特金属似的狂妄,犹如亲眼见到了持续五分钟的爆炸。爆炸之后当然是一片宁息与反思,“与你一同消失”(Falling Away with You)就是在这种情绪下的演奏。下半段,歇斯底里”(Hysteria)专辑中最有能量和音速的一首歌,灯火管制”(Blackout)是一首弦乐演奏的华尔兹舞曲,“飓风与蝴蝶”(Butterflies and Hurricanes)先是利用歌剧般的嗓音与不间断的贝斯演奏,完美的展现了七十年代激进摇滚的风范,而后突转风向,来了一段钢琴演奏,又展现了主唱(Matt Bellamy)的古典音乐功底。“Tsp”玩起了重金属似的颤音。“无穷无尽”(Endlessly)柔和了欧式的迪斯科与梦幻流行。“秘密章程”(Ruled by Secrecy)在钢琴的衬托下推动着如唱诗一般的歌声,描绘了感觉到时光荏苒时的悲痛。

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