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作者:用户投稿 发布时间:2024-10-20 05:38:43 阅读次数:




Learning is an ornament in prosperity, a refuge in adversity, and a provision in old age ----Aristotle 学问在成功时是装饰品,在失意时是避难所,在年老时是供应品。 ---- 亚里士多德



1. ornament [ˈɔːnəmənt]装饰物,饰品

1. 装饰物,饰品[可数名词C] an object which is beautiful rather than useful


a glass ornament 一件玻璃装饰物

garden ornaments such as statues and fountains 如雕像、喷泉等花园装饰物


2. 点缀;装饰;摆设 [不可数名词U] formal decoration which is added to increase the beauty of something

The building relies on clever design rather than on ornament for its impressive 这幢大楼给人留下深刻印象是依靠它巧妙的设计而非装饰。


3. verb [及物动词T] to add decoration to something 装饰,点缀

She ornamented her letters to her mother with little drawings in the 她在给她妈妈的信的页边空白处画上小图案来作装饰。

2. in prosperity, 顺境,繁荣

We must believe: now we have, whether in prosperity, adversity, are our best arrangement.我们必须相信:目前我们所拥有的,不论顺境、逆境,都是对我们最好的安排。


Thanksgiving in prosperity our advice to remind you of person, is them to help you correction course.感恩在顺境中忠言提醒你的人,是他们帮你校正了航向。


Be generous in prosperity and thankful in adversity.成功时需慷慨,逆境中要感谢。


The city has declined in prosperity.这都市的繁华渐渐衰退。


In prosperity with gratitude in adversity, rejoice, be still seriously live in the present.在顺境中感恩,在逆境中依旧心存喜乐,认真地活在当下。


Don't sink in adversity and don't slack in prosperity! 逆境中不沉沦,顺境中不懈怠!


Only when a man's life comes to its end in prosperity dare we pronounce him happy.只有当一个人的生命在光辉中结束时,我们才敢说他是幸福的。


We are living in prosperity.我们生活在盛世之中。

Don't sink in adversity and don't slack in prosperity! 逆境中不沉沦,顺境中不懈怠!

3. prosperity,noun [不可数名词U],the state of being successful and having a lot of money 成功;(尤指经济上的)繁荣,昌盛

A country's future prosperity depends, to an extent, upon the quality of education of its people.一个国家未来的繁荣昌盛在一定程度上取决于国民的教育质量。


The war was followed by a long period of peace and prosperity. 战争过后是长时间的和平与繁荣。

4. refuge[ˈrefjuːdʒ] 避难(所);庇护(所);慰藉a place which gives protection or shelter from danger, trouble, unhappiness, etc

These people are seeking/taking refuge from persecution.这些受到迫害的人正在寻求庇护。

The climbers slept in a mountain refuge.这些登山者在山上一个可以避风挡雨的地方睡下了。

She had fled from her violent husband to a women's refuge .她从她残暴的丈夫身边逃离,躲进了一家妇女庇护所。

5. in adversity 在逆境中在; 艰难中

adversity [ədˈvɜːsəti] n.困境;逆境;不幸;灾难



1. He showed courage in adversity.他在逆境中表现出了勇气。


2. They had to struggle against all kinds of adversity. 他们不得不同一切困境做斗争。

3. Adversity comes with instruction in its hand. 逆境给人以教益。


4. What little pain and adversity we've experienced so far is simply nothing compared to what he's been through. 我们过去所受的那些小小的痛苦和困苦,跟他所经历的比起来,根本算不得什么。


5. I have gone through many difficulties, experienced hardship, but adversity brought me power and confidence.我经历了许多艰难困苦,但它也给了我力量和信心。


In prosperity caution, in adversity patience. 顺境中,小心;逆境中,耐心。


Our hopes will not falter in adversity.


People can be shaped in adversity and adversed circumstance is favorable for people's growing up, they are two contrasting concepts.在逆境中,人可以成长,和逆境有利于人的成长,是两个截然不同的概念。


6. provision 供应

1. 提供;供给;准备 [C or U] when something is provided


The provision of good public transport will be essential for developing the area. 提供良好的公共交通对该地区的发展极为重要。


Of course there's provision in the plan for population increase. 当然这项计划里有应对人口增长的措施。


When designing buildings in this area, you have to make provision against earthquakes and flood. 在该地区设计建筑物时,需要考虑防震和抵抗洪水措施。


2. 粮食;给养,物资 provisions [plural]supplies of food and other necessary things

provisions for the journey 旅途给养


3. 为…做好准备(尤指经济上的保障) make provision for sth to make arrangements to deal with something, often financial arrangements

He hasn't made any provision for his retirement yet. 他还未做好退休的准备。



4. provision 规定,条款 [可数名词C] a statement within an agreement or a law that a particular thing must happen or be done, especially before another can happenor be done


If you stay long hair, you breached the provision of the school.如果你蓄长发,你就违反学校规定了。


[provision that 同位语从句]

She accepted the job with the provision that she would be paid expenses for relocating. 她接受了这份工作,条件是要给安家费。


5. provision,verb to supply with food and other necessary things 为…提供给养(或物资)





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