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作者:用户投稿 发布时间:2024-10-20 00:48:22 阅读次数:


1. mental ['ment(ə)l]

adj. 脑力的

Mental Activities Help Save Memory. (2014.10 填词补文)


2. mind [maɪnd]

n. 精神

Running is good to people' s body and mind. (2014.4 阅读判断) 跑步对人的身有好处。

3. mobile [ˈməʊbaɪl]

adj. 易变的;非固定的

Ø As manufacturing technologies have become more mobile, production jobs have moved from the U.S. to countries where wages are low. (2014.10 完形补文) 随着制造业技术变化愈来愈,生产工作已经从美国转移到工资低的国家。

Ø There is something wrong with my mobile phone.(2013.4 词汇与语法结构) 我的手机出了点问题。

4. personal [ˈpɜ:sənl]

adj. 个人的

Never give out personal information including your name, age, where you live, and the name of the school you attend. (2015.4 完形补文) 千万不要把你的个人信息,包括姓名、年龄、住址和你学校的名字告诉别人。

5. probably ['prɒbəblɪ]

adv. 很可能

In some animals it is probably controlled by the brain. (2014.4 填句补文) 在某些动物中,它(生物钟)可能是被大脑所控制。

6. show [ʃəʊ]

vt. 显示

v. 显示

show off 炫耀

Ø When we moved to California, I did not show off as I had done for five years.(2013.10 阅读选择) 当我搬到加利福尼亚时,我有 5 年时间没有像以前那样炫耀

Ø The programs show you how running can offer competition or just be for fun.(2014.4 阅读判断)


7. couple ['kʌp(ə)l]

n. 夫妇;数个

Ø Six out of one hundred couples experience severe domestic violence.(2011.4 阅读理解) 6%的夫妻经历严重的家庭暴力。

Ø There are a couple of things to know about the use of humor in a speech. (2012.10 阅读理解) 关于演讲中使用诙谐幽默以下几点是你要知道的。

8. enough [ɪ'nʌf]

adv. 足够地

adj. 充足的

Ø My long-term goal is to someday learn enough so we can control the sleep mechanism without damaging our health. (2012.10 阅读理解) 我的长远目标就是,有一天我可以学到很多,多到我可以在不伤害健康的前提下控制睡眠机制。

Ø These four young girl pooled their money and found that they had more than enough money for the boy's extra purchases. (2014.4 阅读选择) 这四个年轻女孩凑钱,发现他们有足够多的钱为男孩的超支花费。

9. environment [ɪn'vaɪrənm(ə)nt]

n. 环境

How we live our lives affects the environment.(2013.10 填词补文) 我们如何生活影响着环境

10. expert ['ekspɜːt]

n. 专家

But experts believe vertical farming is not going to be easy. (2013.10 阅读判断) 但是专家认为垂直农场不会容易的。

11. farm [fɑːm]

n. 农场

But scientists say the farms of the future could be built in tall buildings in some large cities. (2013.10 阅读 判断)




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