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作者:用户投稿 发布时间:2024-10-21 13:32:24 阅读次数:


八年级上册 Unit 1

Did anyone have a good time 每个人都玩得开心吗?

Did you go anywhere interesting 你去了什么有趣的地方吗?

It was wonderful. 太棒了。

we took quite a few photos there. 我们在那里拍了不少照片。

I just stayed at home most of time to read and relax. 我大部分时间都呆在家里看书和放松。

I bought something for my father. 我给我父亲买了些东西。

I bought nothing . 我什么也没买。

Everyone was on vacation. 每个人都在度假。

of course, I bought something for my parents. 当然,我为我父母买了些东西。

but I bought nothing for myself. 但我什么也没买。

Why didn't you buy nothing for yourself 你为什么不给自己买点东西呢?

We fed some hens and saw some baby pigs. 我们喂了一些母鸡,看到了一些小猪。

Nothing seemed to be bored. 什么都不觉得无聊。

Did you visit someone in your family 你拜访过你家里的人吗?

Did you keep a diary 你记日记了吗?

What activities do you find enjoyable 你觉得什么活动有趣?

we decided to go to the beach near our hotel. 我们决定去旅馆附近的海滩。

My sister and I tried paragliding. 我和妹妹试过滑翔伞。

I felt like I was a bird. 我觉得自己像只鸟。

In the afternoon, we rode bicycles to Georgetown. 下午,我们骑自行车去乔治敦。

There are a lot of new buildings now. 现在有很多新建筑物。

We saw the houses of the Chinese traders from 100 years ago. 我们看到了100年前中国商人的房子。

I wonder what life was like here in the past. 我想知道过去这里的生活是什么样的。

What a difference a day makes! 多不一样一天啊!

We wanted to walk up to the top. 我们想走到山顶。

We waited over an hour for the train because there were too many people. 我们等火车等了一个多小时,因为人太多了。

We didn't have an umbrella so we were wet and cold. 我们没有伞,所以我们又湿又冷。

And because of the bad weather, we couldn't see anything below. 因为天气不好,我们看不到下面的东西。

My father didn't bring enough money, so we only had one bowl of rice and some fish. 我父亲带的钱不够,所以我们只有一碗饭和一些鱼。

The food tasted great because I was so hungry! 因为我太饿了,所以食物很好吃!

But the next day was not as good. 但第二天就没那么好了。

The city looked wonderful from the top hill. 从山顶上看这座城市很美。

It was Beijing duck. 是北京烤鸭。

Did you dislike anything 你不喜欢什么吗?

八年级上册 Unit 2

I often help with housework. 我经常帮忙做家务。

I hardly ever watch TV. 我几乎从不看电视。

I watch tv once a week. 我每周看一次电视。

I go to the movies twice a month. 我一个月看两次电影。

I use internet every day. 我每天都上网。

what't your favorite program 你最喜欢的节目是什么?

Next week is quite full for me. 下周对我来说已经很满了。

I'm learning swing dance. 我在学摇摆舞。

I go to the movies maybe once a month. 我可能一个月去看一次电影。

He plays at least twice a week. 他每周至少玩两次。

How often do you junk food 你多久吃一次垃圾食品?

How often do you drink coffee 你多久喝一次咖啡?

She says it's good for my health. 她说这对我的健康有好处。

Here are the results. 结果如下。

We found only fifteen percent of our students exercise every day. 我们发现只有百分之十五的学生每天锻炼。

We all know that many students often go online. 我们都知道很多学生经常上网。

The answers to our questions about watching television were also interesting. 关于看电视的问题的答案也令人毛骨悚然。

Although many students like to watch sports,game shows are the most popular. 尽管许多学生喜欢看体育节目,但游戏节目是最受欢迎的。

We think the best way to relax is through exercise. 我们认为最好的放松方式是通过锻炼。

It is healthy for the mind and the body. 它对身心健康。

Exercise such as playing sports is fun. 锻炼如运动是有趣的。

you can spend time with your friends and family as you play together. 你可以在一起玩的时候和你的朋友和家人呆在一起。

Old habits die hard. 旧习惯很难改掉。

What dose the writer think is the best way to relax 作者认为什么是最好的放松方式?

Jane hardly ever goes to the dentist for teeth ceaning. 简从来不去牙医洗牙。

American Teenager magazine asked her about her habits. 美国青少年杂志问她习惯。

However,she often drinks juice and she also stays up late. 不过,她经常喝果汁,而且也熬夜。

she ofen watches TV for more than two hours a day. 她每天看电视经常超过两个小时。

I almost eat breakfast every day. 我几乎每天都吃早餐。

I watch TV none hour every week. 我每周不看一小时电视。

I usually sleep less than six hours at night. 我通常晚上睡不到六个小时。

9-12 points: you're really healthy. 9-12分:你真的很健康。

八年级上册 Unit 3

I‘m more outgoing than my sister. 我比我姐姐更外向。

Both Sam and Tom can play the drums. 萨姆和汤姆都会打鼓。

But Sam plays them better than Tom. 但山姆比汤姆弹得好。

And she also sings more loudly than Tara. 她也比塔拉唱得更大声。

Tara sings more quietly than Tina. 塔拉比蒂娜唱得更安静。

Who's more hard-working at school 谁在学校更努力?

Did you like the singing competition yesterday 你喜欢昨天的歌唱比赛吗?

It was fantastic. 太棒了。

Which one was Lisa 哪一个是丽莎?

I think she sang more clearly than Nelly. 我想她唱得比耐莉更清楚。

You can tell that Lisa really wanted to win,though. 不过,你可以看出丽莎真的很想赢。

A good friend is talented in music. 好朋友在音乐方面很有天赋。

A good friend truly cares about me. 好朋友真的很关心我。

I'm quieter and more serious than most kids. 我比大多数孩子都安静和严肃。

My mother told me a good friend is like a mirror. 我妈妈告诉我一个好朋友就像一面镜子。

You don't need a lot of them as long as they'er good. 你不需要很多,只要他们好。

It's not necessary to be the same. 不一定要一样。

My best friend Larry is quite different from me. 我最好的朋友拉里和我很不一样。

Larry often helps to bring out the best in me. 拉里经常帮助我发挥出最好的一面。

I always get better grades than he does. 我总是比他成绩好。

I should help him more. 我应该多帮助他。

I don't really care if friends are the same as me or different. 我真的不在乎朋友是和我一样还是不同。

My favorite saying is, "A true friend reaches for your hand and touches your heart." 我最喜欢的一句话是:“一个真正的朋友伸出手来触动你的心。”

In fact, she's funnier than anyone I know. 事实上,她比我认识的任何人都有趣。

I broke my arm last year but she made me laugh and feel better. 去年我摔断了我的胳膊,但她让我笑了,感觉好多了。

I broke my arm last year but she made me laugh and feel better. 去年我摔断了胳膊,但她让我笑了,感觉好多了。

We can talk about and share everything. 我们可以谈论和分享一切。

I'm different from Jeff because I‘m louder than the other kids in my class. 我和杰夫不同,因为我比班上其他孩子大声。

My best friend is similar to Larry because she's less hard-working than me. 我最好的朋友和拉里很像,因为她不如我勤奋。

The English Study Center needs a weekend student helper for primary school students. 英语学习中心需要一个周末的小学生帮手。

Call the English Study Center at 443-5667 for more information. 有关更多信息,请致电443-5667联系英语学习中心。

八年级上册 Unit 4

What's the best movie theater 最好的电影院是什么?

It has most comfortable seats. 它有最舒服的座位。

It have the biggest screens. 它有最大的屏幕。

It's the closest to home. 离家最近。

You can buy tickets the most quickly at Town Cinema. 你可以在城里电影院最快买到票。

It's the worst store. 这是最差的商店。

You can buy clothes the most cheaply there. 你可以在那里买到最便宜的衣服。

The DJs choose songs the most carefully. DJ选歌最仔细。

I'm a reporter. 我是个记者。

How do you like it so far 到目前为止你觉得怎么样?

You can buy the freshest food there. 你可以在那里买最新鲜的食物。

You can sit the most comfortably because they have the biggest seats. 你可以坐得最舒服,因为他们有最大的座位。

It's worse than Blue Moon. 比蓝月亮还糟。

It has the worst service. 它的服务最差。

I think 970 AM is pretty bad. 我觉得970AM相当糟糕。

The menu had only 10 dishes and the service was not good at all. 菜单上只有10道菜,服务一点也不好。

Johnny Depp acted the best in that movie. 约翰尼·德普在那部电影中演得最好。

How much is a meal 一顿饭多少钱?

I'd say Vera was the most creative act. 我觉得维拉是最有创意的表演。

Eliza was the best performer. 伊丽莎是最好的表演者。

who's get talent 天赋?

All these shows have one thing in common: They try to look for the best singers, the most talented dancers, the most exciting magicians, the funniest actors and so on. 所有这些节目都有一个共同点:他们试图寻找最好的歌手,最有才华的舞者,最令人兴奋的魔术师,最有趣的演员等等。

All kinds of people join these shows. 各种各样的人都参加了这些节目。

But who can play the piano the best or sing the most beautifully 但谁能弹得最好,唱得最优美呢?

That's up to you to decide. 这由你决定。

When people watch the show,they usually play a role in deciding the winner. 当人们观看节目时,他们通常在决定胜出者方面扮演一个角色。

And the winner always gets a very good prize. 获胜者总是能得到很好的奖品。

However,not everybody enjoys watching these shows. 然而,并不是每个人都喜欢看这些节目。

Some think that the lives of the performers are made up. 有些人认为演员的生活是虚构的。

For example, some people say they are poor farmers, but in fact they are just actors. 例如,有人说他们是贫穷的农民,但实际上他们只是演员。

However, if you don't take these shows too seriously, they are fun to watch. 不过,如果你不把这些节目看得太严肃,它们会很有趣的。

And one great thing about them is that they give people a way to make their dreams come true. 他们最大的优点就是给了人们实现梦想的途径。

The park is crowded place on weekends because almost everyone goes there to see the street performers. 这个公园在周末很拥挤,因为几乎每个人都去那里看街头表演。

八年级上册 Unit 5

Watching sitcoms is a great way to relax. 看情景喜剧是一种很好的放松方式。

I like to watch the news or talk shows. 我喜欢看新闻或脱口秀。

What do you think of soap operas 你觉得肥皂剧怎么样?

I don't mind them. 我不介意它们。

I can't stand them. 我受不了他们。

Sally thinks shows are more educational than sitcom. 莎莉认为电视剧比情景喜剧更有教育意义。

Do you plan to watch the news tonight 你打算今晚看新闻吗?

I hope to find out what's going on around world. 我希望知道世界上发生了什么。

We had a discussion about TV shows. 我们讨论了电视节目。

I like to follow the story and see what happens next. 我喜欢听故事,看看接下来会发生什么。

You can expect to learn a lot from them. 你可以期待从他们身上学到很多。

You can learn some great jokes. 你可以学一些很棒的笑话。

What comedy shows do you like to watch 你喜欢看什么喜剧节目?

I think those movies are so meaningless. 我觉得那些电影太没意义了。

Well, most of the movies on right now are action movies or scary movies. 好吧,现在大多数的电影都是动作片或恐怖片。

I like action movies because they are exciting. 我喜欢动作片,因为它们很刺激。

Do you like to watch cartoon 你喜欢卡通吗?

when people say "culture", we think of art and history. 当人们说“文化”时,我们想到的是艺术和历史。

But one very famous symbol in American culture is a cartoon. 美国文化中有一个非常著名的标志是卡通。

He first appeared in the cartoon Steamboat Willie. 他第一次出现在漫画《威利汽船》中。

He became very rich and successful. 他变得非常富有和成功。

Some people might ask how this cartoon animal became so popular. 有些人可能会问,这种卡通动物是如何变得如此受欢迎的。

One of the main reasons is that Mickey was like a common man,but he always tried to face any danger. 其中一个主要原因是米奇像个普通人,但他总是试图面对任何危险。

In his early films,Mickey was unlucky and had many problems such as losing his house or girlfriend. 在米奇早期的电影中,他运气不好,有很多问题,比如失去房子或女朋友。

However,he was always ready to try his best. 然而,他总是准备尽力。

On November 18,1978, Mickey became the first cartoon character to have a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. 一九七八年十一月十八日,米奇成为第一个在好莱坞星光大道上有明星的卡通人物。

Today's cartoons are usually not so simple as little Mickey Mouse, but everyone still knows and loves him. 今天的动画片通常不像小米老鼠那么简单,但大家仍然认识他,爱他。

She dresses up like a boy and takes her father's place to fight in the army. 她打扮得像个男孩,代替父亲参军。

they did a good job in the movie. 他们在电影里演得很好。

八年级上册 Unit 6

What do you want to be when you grow up 你长大后想做什么?

I want to be a computer programmer. 我想成为一名计算机程序员。

I want to be a cook. 我想当厨师。

I want to be a doctor. 我想成为一名医生。

I want to be a engineer. 我想成为一名工程师。

I want to be a violinist. 我想成为一名小提琴手。

I want to be a driver. 我想当司机。

I want to be a pilot. 我想当飞行员。

I want to be a pianist. 我想成为一名钢琴家。

I want to be a scientist. 我想成为一名科学家。

I'm not sure about that. 我不确定。

Just make sure you try your best. 一定要尽力。

I'm going to start when I finish high school and college. 我要从高中和大学毕业开始。

She's going to study education. 她要学习教育。

I'm going to study medicine at university. 我打算在大学学习医学。

I'm going to take acting school in London. 我要去伦敦上表演学校。

I'm going to write articles and send them to magazines and newspapers. 我要写文章,寄给杂志和报纸。

New Year's Resolution, next year, I'm going to learn to play the piano. 新年决心,明年,我要学弹钢琴。

Next year, I'm going to learn to make the soccer team. 明年,我要学习如何成为足球队的一员。

Next year, I'm going to learn another foreign language. 明年,我要学另一门外语。

were you able to keep them 你能留着它们吗?

It's is a kind of promise. 这是一种承诺。

When we make resolutions at the beginning of the year, we hope that we are going to improve our lives. 当我们在年初下决心时,我们希望我们能改善我们的生活。

Some people write down their resolutions and plans for the coming year. 有些人写下他们来年的决心和计划。

some are about physical health. 有些是关于身体健康的。

some people promise themselves they are going to start an exercise program or eat less fast food. 有些人向自己保证,他们将开始一项锻炼计划,或者少吃快餐。

Many rusolutions have to do with self-improvement. 许多解决办法都与自我提高有关。

Some people might say they are going to take up a hobby like painting or taking photos, or learn to play the guitar. 有些人可能会说他们会有一个爱好,比如画画或拍照,或者学弹吉他。

Some people might say they are going to take up a hobby like painting or taking photos,or learn to play the guitar. 有些人可能会说他们会有一个爱好,比如画画或拍照,或者学弹吉他。

Some resolutions have to do with better planning, like making a weekly plan for schoolwork. 有些决议必须要有更好的计划,比如制定每周的作业计划。

Answer the questions with short sentences. 用短句回答问题。

Give the meaning of resolution. 给出决议的含义。

discuss the different kinds of resolutions. 讨论不同的解决方案。

The first resolution is about my own personal improvement. 第一个决定是关于我个人的进步。

The third resolution is about improving my relationships with my family and friends. 第三个决议是改善我与家人和朋友的关系。

八年级上册 Unit 7

Books will only be on computers ,not on paper. 书只在电脑上,不在纸上。

There will be more pollution. 会有更多的污染。

What's your prediction about the future 你对未来有什么预测?

cities will be more crowded and polluted. 城市将会更加拥挤和污染。

There will be fewer trees and the environment will be in great danger. 树木将减少,环境将处于极大的危险之中。

Will we have to move to other planets 我们得搬到别的行星上去吗?

But I want to live on the earth. 但我想活在地球上。

We can use less water and plant more trees. 我们可以少用水多种树。

Everyone should play a part in saving the earth. 每个人都应该在拯救地球方面发挥作用。

Will there be world peace 会有世界和平吗?

In the future,there will be less fresh water because there will be more pollution in the sea. 未来,淡水会减少,因为海洋污染会更多。

I think there will be more cities because people will build more building in the country. 我认为会有更多的城市,因为人们会在这个国家建造更多的建筑。

I sometimes see bule skies in my city. 我有时在我的城市看到蓝天。

I'm an astronaut. 我是宇航员。

I live an apartment across the street from here. 我住在街对面的公寓里

I will fly rockets to the moon. 我要发射火箭到月球上去。

I will live on a space station. 我将住在一个空间站上。

they are usually like human servants. 他们通常像人类的仆人。

They help with the housework and do jobs like working in dirty or dangerous places. 他们帮忙做家务,做一些像在肮脏或危险的地方工作之类的工作。

Today there are already robots working in factories. 今天已经有机器人在工厂里工作了。

Some can help to build cars , and they do simple jobs over and over again. 有些人可以帮助制造汽车,他们一遍又一遍地做简单的工作。

Some robots in japan can walk and dance. 日本的一些机器人会走路和跳舞。

However,some scientists believe that although we can make robots move like people, it will be difficult to make them really think like a human. 然而,一些科学家认为,虽然我们可以让机器人像人一样移动,但要让它们真正像人一样思考是很困难的。

But many scientists disagree with Mr.White. 但许多科学家不同意怀特先生的观点。

They think that robots will even be able to talk like humans in 25 to 50 years. 他们认为机器人甚至可以在25到50年内像人类一样说话。

However, they agree it may take hundreds of years. 但他们同意这可能需要几百年的时间。

There new robots will have many different shaps. 新机器人将有许多不同的形状。

If buildings fall down with people inside, these snake robots can help look for people under the buildings. 如果建筑物倒塌,里面有人,这些蛇形机器人可以帮助寻找建筑物下面的人。

this was not possible 20 years ago. 这在20年前是不可能的。

But computers and robots also seemed impossible. 但计算机和机器人似乎也不可能。

which side do you agree with 你同意哪一方?

I'll probably just keep a bird. 我可能只养一只鸟。

during the week, I'll wear smart clothes. 这周,我会穿漂亮的衣服。

I'll take a holiday in Hong Kong when possible. 如果可能的话,我会去香港度假。

I think students won't need dictionaries because a robot will tell them the meanings of words. 我认为学生不需要字典,因为机器人会告诉他们单词的意思。

八年级上册 Unit 8

How do you make a banana milk snake 你怎么做香蕉奶昔?

How do you make a banana milk snake 你怎么做香蕉牛奶昔?

Tun on the blender. 打开搅拌机。

Peel three bananas. 剥香蕉。

pour the milk into the blender. 把牛奶倒进搅拌器。

How much yogurt do we need 我们需要多少酸奶?

How much honey do we need 我们需要多少蜂蜜?

How many watermelon do we need 我们需要多少西瓜?

How many spoons do we need 我们需要多少汤匙?

Put the beef, carrots and potatoes into a pot and add some water. 把牛肉、胡萝卜和土豆放进锅里,加水。

Finally, don't forget to add some salt. 最后,别忘了加点盐。

Finally, don't forget to add some salt. 最后,别忘了加点盐。

how much sugar do we need 我们需要多少糖?

how much cheese do we need 我们需要多少奶酪?

how do you make popcorn 你怎么做爆米花?

First, put the corn into the popcorn machine. 首先,把玉米放进爆米花机。

First, dig a hole. 首先,挖个洞。

Do you like lettuce in a sandwich 你喜欢三明治里放生菜吗?

Put some butter on a piece of bread. 在一块面包上涂点黄油。

Do you like turkey 你喜欢火鸡吗?

A special day in the United States is Thanksgiving. 在美国,感恩节是一个特殊的日子。

In most countries, people usually eat traditional food on special holidays. 在大多数国家,人们通常在特殊节日吃传统食品。

It is a time to give thanks for food in the autumn. 这是在秋天感谢食物的时候。

AT this time, people also remember the first travelers from England who came to live in America about 400 years ago. 在这个时候,人们还记得大约400年前第一批从英国来到美国的旅行者。

AT this time, people also remember the first travelers from England who came to live in America about 400 years ago. 在这个时候,人们还记得大约400年前第一批从英国来美国居住的旅行者。

These days, most Americans still celebrate this idea of giving thanks by having a big meal at home with their family. 如今,大多数美国人仍然在家里和家人一起吃顿大餐,以此来庆祝感恩节的到来。

First, mix together some bread pieces, onions, salt and pepper. 首先,把一些面包片,洋葱,盐和胡椒粉混合在一起。

Next, fill the turkey with this bread mix. 接下来,把这个面包混合物放进火鸡里。

Then, put the turkey in a hot oven and cook it for a few hours. 然后,把火鸡放在热烤箱里煮几个小时。

When it is ready, place the turkey on a large plate and cover it with gravy. 准备好后,把火鸡放在一个大盘上,用肉汁盖住。

Serve it to your friends with some vegetables. 把它和蔬菜一起端给你的朋友。

Cook it at a very high temperature for a long time. 在很高的温度下煮很长时间。

八年级上册 Unit 9

I have to prepare for an exam. 我得准备考试。

I must to go to the doctor. 我得去看医生。

I have the flu. 我得了流感。

I'm not available. 我没空。

Maybe another time. 也许下次吧。

Sam isn't leaving until next Wednesday. 萨姆下星期三才离开。

can you hang out with us on Monday night 星期一晚上你能和我们一起出去玩吗?

Catch you on Monday! 星期一见。

inviting: can you play tennis with me on Saturday 邀请:星期六你能和我一起打网球吗?

accepting: sure, I'd love to. 接受:当然,我很乐意。

refusing: sorry, I must study for a math test. 拒绝:对不起,我必须为数学考试而学习。

What are you doing the day after tomorrow 后天你干什么?

I must study for a math test weekday. 我必须在工作日为数学考试而学习。

he looks after his sister tomorrow. 他明天照顾他的妹妹。

accept an invitation. 接受邀请。

turn down invitation. 拒绝邀请。

I'm sad to see her go. 她走了我很难过。

This party is the best way to say "Thank you and goodbye" 这个聚会是说“和再见”的最好方式

My family is taking a trip to Wuhan at the end of this month to visit my aunt and uncle. 我的家人这个月底要去武汉看望我的姑姑和叔叔。

I'd still be glad to help out with any of the party preparations. 我还是很乐意帮忙筹备晚会。

Prepare things we need for the games (glue,paper,pens,.). 准备游戏所需的东西(胶水、纸、笔等)。

Bring Ms.Steen to the party without telling her so that she can be surprised. 把斯汀女士带到聚会上,不要告诉她,这样她会感到惊讶的。

I look forward to hearing from you all. 我期待着你们的消息。

We are planning a housewarming party at our new house this Saturday. 我们计划这个星期六在新房子里举行乔迁派对。

I would like to invite you to the opening of our new library at NO.9 High School. 我想邀请你参加我们第九中学新图书馆的开幕式。

You can enjoy our school concert. 你可以欣赏我们学校的音乐会。

when will the event happen 这件事什么时候发生?

If guests should bring anything. 如果客人要带什么的话。

Student A's Calendar. 学生A的日程表。

Daytime:school. 白天:学校。

八年级上册 Unit 10

The students are talking about when to have a class party. 学生们正在讨论什么时候举行班级聚会。

what will happen if they watch a video at the party 如果他们在聚会上看录像会怎么样?

what will Mark organize 马克将组织什么?

They'll just bring potato chips and chocolate because they 'll be too lazy to cook. 他们只会带来薯条和巧克力,因为他们会懒得做饭。

If I go to the party,they'll be upset. 如果我去参加聚会,他们会不高兴的。

If I take a taxi, it will be too expensive. 如果我坐出租车,那就太贵了。

Can you give me some advice please 你能给我一些建议吗?

You'll travel around the world. 你将周游世界。

If people have problems, they should get advice from an expert. 如果人们有问题,他们应该从专家那里得到建议。

If people have problems, they should keep them to themselves. 如果人们有问题,他们应该自己解决。

Laura Mills, a teenager from London. 劳拉·米尔斯,一个来自伦敦的青少年。

Problems and worries are normal in life. 生活中的问题和烦恼是正常的。

Unless we talk to someone, we'll certainly feel worse. 除非我们找人谈话,否则我们肯定会感觉更糟。

Laura once lost her wallet, and worried for days. 劳拉有一次丢了钱包,担心了好几天。

She even walked three miles to school each day because she didn't have any money. 她甚至每天步行三英里去上学,因为她没有钱。

If I tell my parents, they'll be angry. 如果我告诉我父母,他们会生气的。

In the end, she talked to her parents and they were really understanding. 最后,她和父母谈了,他们真的很理解。

Her dad said he sometimes made careless mistakes himself. 她爸爸说他有时自己会犯粗心的错误。

They got her a new wallet and asked her to be more careful. 他们给她买了一个新钱包,让她多加小心。

Robert Hunt advises students about common problems. 罗伯特·亨特就常见问题向学生提出建议。

We should always try to solve them. 我们应该一直设法解决它们。

He thinks the first step is to find someone you trust to talk to. 他认为第一步是找一个你信任的人谈谈。

Students often forget that their parents have more experience. 学生们常常忘记他们的父母有更多的经验。

In English, we say that sharing a problem is like cutting it in half. 在英语中,我们说分享一个问题就像把它分成两半。

So you're halfway to solving a problem just by talking to someone about it. 所以你只要和别人谈谈就可以解决一个问题。

who else can you get advice from 你还能从谁那里得到建议?



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